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For distribution in South Eastern Asia we have partnered with GABRIELA, the National Alliance of Filipino Women based out of Quezon City in the Philippines. GABRIELA is unique in that they are a nationwide alliance of more than 200 women’s organizations that cut across sectors and regions, as well as including chapters and support groups of Filipinos and non-Filipinos on continents around the world. GABRIELA, the General Assembly Binding Women for Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership, and Action, is an organization of Filipino women that advocates women's issues. Named in honor of Gabriela Silang, who led a revolt against Spain in the second half of the 18th century, GABRIELA was founded in 1984. GABRIELA-USA is the overseas chapter of the Philippine-based...
El Salvador
For distribution in Central America we partnered with Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad (CIS) based out of San Salvador, El Salvador. With a network reaching all over the country, we are able to get pepper spray into the hands of women both in the major cities as well as the rural areas and mountain communities. CIS was founded in 1993 after the signing of the Peace Accords in El Salvador. Solidarity groups from the United States, Canada, and Europe came together with Salvadoran popular organizations to develop a center to promote people-to-people relations after the war. The root causes of the war - economic and social...
We have partnered with the Red Brigade Lucknow for the distribution of our pepper spray in India. A non-governmental Women's rights group based out of Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, India they are also the first NGO that we partnered with when we began the distribution of pepper spray. Founded in 2010, The Red Brigade is a group of sexual assault survivors. The group started with awareness campaigns regarding women's issues, dressed in their red and black saris. As the group grew in size, the Red Brigade members began teaching self defense techniques to their members and girls in Lucknow as a way to defend against sexual assault. They organize and...